Wednesday 15 September 2010

News shoot 16/09/10 and 17/09/10

Today we shot the news Anchor scene for our music video, i was the actor, Matt Sharpe was the camera man and Matt Gilooly was the director. we filmed it against a green screen which would then show a news studio to give the effect that i was in an authentic news studio without having to go to one.

on the first day we filmed i just said words and sentences and did actions as we thought we would only have the news presenter on the television screen, but then when we watched the playback of the footage we decided it would be a good idea to have the news presenter singing the chorus of the song which we could then use for our final split screen shot of all the characters singing, so we redid the shoot the next day and i sang the chorus against the green screen while in my news presenter costume.

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