The people that will be involved in my media project shall be:
Myself as director
Tom Greenwood as the main character
Dan Gaughn, James Campbell and Tom Greenwood as the band members
The people that will be involved in my media project shall be:
Myself as director
Tom Greenwood as the main character
Dan Gaughn, James Campbell and Tom Greenwood as the band members
Throughout the course of my chosen song for my A2 project i will have a figure traveling from place to place with lots of different locations. some of the locations i have thought off so far are:
The wolds around Tealby which offers good areas to do some wide landscape shots, willingham woods that give potential for lots of interesting angles for example in trees.
For more urban shots i will use Lincoln as is is near and easily accessible, some of the areas i have considered using are the big hill in Lincoln, the high street and the train station.
Other interesting shot locations i will likely use are Thornton Abbey in East Holton, which is the ruins of an abbey that is open to the public.
My initial ideas for the song "send me on my way" by Rusted Roots" was to have a figure continually moving in the same direction at different locations, with different shot types and angles to add plenty of visual stimulation for the audience.
The figure will be moving in the same general direction coming from the left hand dside of the camera to the right hand side to show that the figure is moving i the one direction from the start of the song, getting form point A to point B over the course of the song.
The businessman then has a moment of self realization and as he walks past a lamp post and the location then changes and the figure emerges from behind a tree dresses in lose comfortable clothes. then the figure moves more freely through the rural environment and gradually puts on his old clothes as he is enjoying his new mentality and state but not changing who he is just how he lives his life.